Sunday, December 18, 2011

Exhausted Rambling

Note: If this ends up making little-to-no sense, then forgive me.

Okay, so it's currently 11:00PM on Sunday, December someday (18th?). I haven't slept properly in two days in a row. No, I don't know why. I've gotten about 2 hours of sleep over the last 48 hours. Normally, this isn't terrible. But I had done something similar a few days prior, and it's really catching up with me. I have to write this sentence by sentence just to keep it coherent.

Why is this bad? Because I have two exams tomorrow, one of which begins at 8:00AM. And it's French. Yeah, not being able to write proper English means I'll do great on a French exam. But French is also my worst course, and I could very well fail it if I don't do well on the exam (I have to pass it, basically). And then at 3:30, my other exam starts, for Urban Studies. That's my second worst class. Again, I have to pass the exam to pass the course. I'm less worried about it, but the French one is really, really worrying me. And, yet again, I cannot sleep. I was tired, and tried to get to bed around 8:30. I stayed in bed for 2 hours, and nothing. So I'm up doing some more studying, hoping I'll absorb something. Probably not, though.

So yeah, not sleeping sucks. Not sleeping right before you have the two most important exams you've ever taken -- that's much, much worse.


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