If you've been linked to this page, you're at least curious as to the compilation I've put together of the first 500 film reviews I've written. Download and donate links are at the bottom of the page, so if you'e already decided to download (or donate), you can head straight there.
Otherwise, here's all I have to say. This eBook (and .PDF) contains the first 500 film reviews that I have written. It also contains a couple of bonuses, but you're mostly here for the reviews, so that's what makes up the majority. Now you can take my reviews with you everywhere! And it's free! I've included a Paypal link that you can donate to if you want to reward me for the approximately 1,500 hours (2 hours per movie plus 1 to write the review) I've put into these so far.
That's all I have to say. I hope you enjoy this, and let's get through another 500!
Download All of the Reviews: Vol. 1.